MobileNeRF + WebXR

Adapted from, in turn adapted from the original This page allows you to view the the MobileNeRF live demo scenes in VR and AR through WebXR. WebXR support on iOS is provided via Variant Launch's WebAR SDK

-- Instructions --

Note: This approach to rendering NeRFs takes an extreme amount of RAM for a mobile device - downloading and parsing multiple gigabytes of uncompressed 4k textures.

This may lead to memory issues on phones and tablets, which may throw errors or simply render a blank page. The scenes provided have been tested on Quest 2 and iPhone 13 Pro.

The size of the assets required also means that initial downloads may take longer than you would expect. Up to 2GB+ may be downloaded per scene.

360 Scenes
view in XR
view in XR
Directional Scenes
view in XR
view in XR
view in XR
view in XR
view in XR
view in XR